Social Welfare & Comm. Dev’t

The Social Welfare and Community Development Department of the district is made up of 2 separate units ;

The Social Welfare Unit which is made up of the following sections;

  1. Child Rights Promotion and Protection
  2. Community Care
  3. Justice Administration

The Community Development Unit which is also made up of the following sections;

  1. Adult Education
  2. Home Science Extension/Local Economic Development
  3. Extension Services



To take lead in integrating the disadvantaged, vulnerable and excluded persons in mainstream development.



The Department works in partnership with the people in their communities to improve their well-being through promoting development with equity for the disadvantaged, vulnerable and the excluded.



  • Support families and individuals in the handling of Non – Child Maintenance cases, Abuse, Custody, Paternity and Family Reconciliation.
  • Facilitate the implementation of the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) activities.
  • Supervise and monitor the setting up and operations of residential homes.
  • Handle domestic violence cases and spousal abuse.
  • Identify and Register Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)
  • To intervene in cases of children in worst form of Child Labor.
  • Provide Hospital Welfare services
  • Registration of NGOs
  • Provision of vocational training for the poor and disabled.
  • Undertakes sensitization and social education on social problems.
  • Undertakes probation and prison after care services.
  • Remove, Rehabilitate and Reintegrate street children.
  • Supervise, Monitor and facilitate the registration of Day Care Centers.
  • Rescue, Rehabilitate and Reintegrate victims of Trafficking in persons (TIPs)
  • Prepare care orders for the court
  • Supervise and monitor children placed on fostering, returned trafficked children and reintegrated children.
  • Make representation at the juvenile and family courts.




Call: 0559524309 / 0202227831